Saturday, June 24, 2006

First Day

The first day overseas, the first day flying in a commercial aircraft, the first day of jet-lag...
All in all, just a step toward the goal,

Air Canada isn't as horrible as I was lead to believe, but it wasn't exactly spectacular. Overseas trips still do get food+drinks, though the drinks are really the only part that's up to any kind of standard for human consumption. I made the mistake of adding salt to an already-salty dish of potatos and "roast beef."
Nonstop flights are a good idea. We were almost twenty minutes late into Montreal, so my flight to Heathrow was on final call when I stepped into the terminal. Fun. I tried not to look into the eyes of the other passengers as I squeezed my way through their seats with my flailing carry-on luggage.

_The Pink Panther_ wasn't as horrid as I was expecting.
(It wasn't really all that good, though. It was funny in a few spots, because Steve Martin can do slapstick fairly well; and touching in a few spots, because he knows how to make you feel sorry for idiots who aren't really all that bad in their heat of hearts... But the rest of Steve Martin I can do without. Sellers was Clouseau, MGM should let sleeping dogs lie.
Oh yeah, Clive Owen should be the next James Bond. His cameo was perfect.


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