Saturday, June 24, 2006

after supper and a quick orientation meeting...

Some of us decided to go for a quick evening tour of the city.

Some of the group (we started out with 25 or so, but we split off into different groups as the night progressed.)

This is the Radcliffe Camera, a domed building behind the Bodleian Library.

"The Eagle and Child," the pub famous as the meeting place of the Inklings (members included Tolkiens, Lewises, Williams, eventually Sayers, and a few other less-known names in recent british literary history.)

We got back at 11; walking a few miles sure helps overcome the jetlag. (Though we took some pretty big detours on the way back and most of us were ready to collapse, which was probably overkill.)


Blogger Jack said...

Hey guys!
Rus, the food is, in a word, expensive.
I haven't had curry yet, but there's all kinds of crazy stuff around if you walk down the right street.

4:56 pm  

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