This is where Lewis lived the later half of his life. It's called The Kilns because in the 19th C. the land was used for pottery-making, and up until the 1960s the big kilns were still standing.

Here's the pond just a short walk from The Kilns; the pond is where they would have dug for clay when the place was still used for pottery. The water is murky and weedy now, but Lewis&co used to swim in it and skate on it when it froze.

This is a stone bench beside the pond. A good place to sit and reflect.

This is a desk in the sitting room inside the house. Nothing is original, sadly. The best place to see Lewis artifacts in at Wheaton College in the states, they bought up a big load of stuff when it was sold off.

This is one of the very few artifacts remaining in the house: the typewriter. No, I didn't have any paper to try it out with.

This is the Headington Quarry parish Church where Lewis was a member. It's a fairly average Anglican church on the inside.

The grave, with inscription as follows:
In Loving Memory Of
My Brother
Clive Staples Lewis
Born Belfast 29th November 1898
Died In This Parish
22nd November 1963
Warren Hamilton Lewis
Major Royal Army Service Corps
Born Belfast 16 June 1895
Died In This Parish
9th April 1973
actually...iwasn't waiting for those pictures.
i want see his bones! his skull! his (worn-out?) bible. his library! his love letters!
at least i got to see his typewriter.
Yeah, I know what you mean.
Much of his stuff was burned. The rest was sold. Walter Hooper managed to save the letters and so forth, which is why he's the guy who edits those sorts of books.
Perhaps I'll need to go on a little trip to the states to see some of the other stuff someday.
what about stuff re: the inklings?
Edward, is there anything specific you're interested in? I could ask some questions if you like. We haven't really had that much time to discuss the Inklings as a group, unfortunately.
The best biographical guide to the inklings is probably Humphrey Carpenter's _The Inklings_, though his focus is rather narrowly centred on Lewis: there is a chapter for Tolkien and a chapter for Williams, but the whole phenomenon is covered with an emphasis on Lewis' status as the energetic Irishman who really made it all happen.
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