Last days/first days
Tuesday was fun. After everyone handed in their papers (before the 3 PM deadline) I went for a haircut, but they don't do shaves anymore, which made me sad because it meant going all the way back to the vines...
A bunch of us went out to the Eagle & Child for dinner, which was fun. I learned how to eat Prawns, which is gross in that seafood kind of way.
Tuesday evening we watched LOTR: Return of the King. One of the girls hadn't seen it yet, which convinced the others to skip FoTR and TTT. I haven't seen the theatrical cut of RotK in a while; it's amazing how much you miss those few key scenes. (It's also amazing how long the shortened version of the movie still manages to run... P.J. didn't really "cut his movie for length" so much as he "held himself back from adding more stuff." (cf. King Kong.)
Wednesday was the last day. Some went punting that hadn't yet, or did last-minute shopping, or saw the colleges they'd missed, or went to the Bod. One last time to get mad they couldn't find the book that they wanted or take anything out.
I saw Tolkien's Pinus Nigra at the botanical gardens.
One last meal, a banquet at Wycliffe Hall (of how I'd missed their lasagna... or not. Dessert was good, though.) Then we stood around for an hour while the girls took 10^9 pictures of all of us standing around in our banquet clothes. (Okay, it wasn't as bad as that; I'm happy I got some pictures with the friends I made in Oxford.)
Wednesday evening was time to pack. I discovered that somehow all of my notes and books and clothes were all over the floor and desk, and coffee mugs and plates and cutlery had mysteriously appeared. It's as if someone else had been living in my room for the last few days...
Thursday was sad. Everyone said goodbye. I stayed a while and had lunch with M.J. (one of the SCIO junior deans, actually a student from a year-long program who lucked out on the job of making sure we didn't kill ourselves studying/partying over the summer.) We had a weird/yummy pizza that had a salad on top of it. I went with her to take pictures of her piercing experience (she's 22, so young and rebellious) but the shop was closed; so I took a picture of the pink brick instead.
M.J. says she'll e-mail me the poem she wrote for it, and I'll put up the photo eventually. There was a sorrowful goodbye, then I was off to London for the next phase of my trip...
A bunch of us went out to the Eagle & Child for dinner, which was fun. I learned how to eat Prawns, which is gross in that seafood kind of way.
Tuesday evening we watched LOTR: Return of the King. One of the girls hadn't seen it yet, which convinced the others to skip FoTR and TTT. I haven't seen the theatrical cut of RotK in a while; it's amazing how much you miss those few key scenes. (It's also amazing how long the shortened version of the movie still manages to run... P.J. didn't really "cut his movie for length" so much as he "held himself back from adding more stuff." (cf. King Kong.)
Wednesday was the last day. Some went punting that hadn't yet, or did last-minute shopping, or saw the colleges they'd missed, or went to the Bod. One last time to get mad they couldn't find the book that they wanted or take anything out.
I saw Tolkien's Pinus Nigra at the botanical gardens.
One last meal, a banquet at Wycliffe Hall (of how I'd missed their lasagna... or not. Dessert was good, though.) Then we stood around for an hour while the girls took 10^9 pictures of all of us standing around in our banquet clothes. (Okay, it wasn't as bad as that; I'm happy I got some pictures with the friends I made in Oxford.)

Wednesday evening was time to pack. I discovered that somehow all of my notes and books and clothes were all over the floor and desk, and coffee mugs and plates and cutlery had mysteriously appeared. It's as if someone else had been living in my room for the last few days...
Thursday was sad. Everyone said goodbye. I stayed a while and had lunch with M.J. (one of the SCIO junior deans, actually a student from a year-long program who lucked out on the job of making sure we didn't kill ourselves studying/partying over the summer.) We had a weird/yummy pizza that had a salad on top of it. I went with her to take pictures of her piercing experience (she's 22, so young and rebellious) but the shop was closed; so I took a picture of the pink brick instead.

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
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